- During business hours, we are a busy practice with limited time to connect by phone. The most efficient way to reach us is by text, voicemail, and/or COMPLETING THE CONTACT FORM.
- If booking 3 or more services a 50% NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT is required.
- If you are scheduling and paying on someone else's behalf, full payment is required up to 1 hour before servicing the client.
We believe in a mutually beneficial exchange and understand that emergencies happen.
- In this event, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible.
- A 48 hours’ notice is requested when needing to reschedule or cancel.
- A 50% cancellation fee may be applied for all services after the minimum 48-hour cancellation period has passed.
- Full-service charges may be applied, if you are considered a no call/no show.
- After two consecutive reschedules or cancellations, we reserve the right to REQUIRE a 50% NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT for ALL FUTURE SERVICES at the time of booking; or simply terminate our professional relationship with ANY CLIENT.
Thank you in advance for your understanding, and agreeance.